Managed Transplant Program
Transplants Are Costly and Unpredictable
Transplant costs can be extremely unpredictable. The cost for an average transplant episode is almost $472,0001, but depending on the circumstances, it can rise to more than one million dollars. Your medical stop loss insurance or reinsurance coverage may not provide complete protection. Optum manages the clinical and financial aspects of transplant cases through our fully insured transplant carve-out product: The Managed Transplant Program (MTP).
The Managed Transplant Program helps advance your strategy for controlling costs, mitigating risk and improving patient outcomes. The program offers first dollar claims coverage, provides access to the nation's leading Transplant Centers of Excellence network programs and offers specialized nurse consultants who provide patients with guidance and support. Ask your insurance or reinsurance broker about the Managed Transplant Program.
Learn More About MTP
1. Bentley, T.S. and Hanson, S.G. (2011). 2011 U.S. Organ and Tissue Transplant Cost Estimates and Discussion. Milliman. Retrieved from